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Friday, May 26, 2017

Six thinking hats (New classroom addition)

                  Six thinking hats (New classroom addition)                 

Hi guys, this week (21st of  April 2017)  school (Waikowhai Primary School) got some new buildings! From making a review about the new buildings I had to really think about what happened.
Here's a review I made about it...
De bono thinking hats

Hey guys, how are you? I'm stupendous! Please leave some positive feedback down below and I'll try to get back to you. That's all from me, Bbyyyeeeeeeeee!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Character Description

                              My Character Description 

Last week in school we made a character using BuiLD YouR WiLD SeLf And then we had to do a character description on it. This is my Y-chart plan where we put our character's personality traits, actions and what they look like.

My characters name is Devaca. He is down right cool! Here is my character description.

WALT: describe a character

Screenshot 2017-05-08 at 12.05.01 PM.png
  •  Looks Devaca has two leathery scratchy bat wings and firm clutching lobster\crab claws. He also has a spider bottom half and, bull horns. He has vicious alligator teeth and a bone crushing jaw. He has a bushy lion’s tail that he uses to shoo away flies. But a normal body and head. He enjoys his long, blonde, luxurious hair. (Silky & soft too.) 
  •  Actions Devaca is a young adult of 18, and he is a janitor at the school of strange and mystical children. (AKA SOSAMC) His good friend Greagle enjoys flying about carelessly with Devaca. Devaca and Greagle play tricks on birds, Greagle hits them with his long giraffe arms and Devaca pulls out feathers from birds with his lobster\crab claws. Devaca and Greagle like to brag about their blonde hair together. 
  •  Personality Traits Devaca is mischievous and a bit of a prankster. Sometimes at his job, he hangs fake doggy poo from the ceiling using his spider web. Then he gets a quick get away by flying out the window and grappling to the outside wall so he can watch the prank unwind. He saves the best prank for the principal. Devaca will fill the principal office with a giant spider web, for the principal loathes spiders. Sometimes he’ll frame students for it by writing a note saying, “_____ was here.” Mean, eh.
Please leave some positive feedback down below, and I'll try to respond. That's all from me, Bye!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

My Exciting Journey

                                    My Exciting Journey

Hey guys, on Sunday 7th of may 2017, I went on a 25km bike ride from Waihi to Paeroa. (NZ.) I had lots of fun, and I hope you enjoy reading this post. Here it is. Ta da!

Hey guys, how are you? I'm great, please leave a comment and I'll try to respond. That's all from me. Bye guys.

Friday, May 5, 2017

My creative writing

                                       My creative writing

At Waikowhai Primary School we have this thing called creative writing. It's where we  get given a story starter and we have to carry on with the story. This is just one of them. We have many more, so vote in the comments whether or not I should post another creative writing.

Hey guys, please leave some feedback about what you thought of this post and I'll try to respond.
That's all from me. Bye guys!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Learning about Digital footprints

                                         Digital foot prints

Whenever you're online, or even on a website, you leave traces or in other words footprints. So that's why you shouldn't post anything you're not proud of. So if you post a picture of you being bit silly, you could delete it from your device but that doesn't take it off line. So be sensible online and on social media.

The picture above is about what type of people see your blog. (But the real answer really is anyone who has internet access.) 
Hey guys how you do'in. Please comment below about what you thought about this blog post. That's all from me. Bye guys.