Hey guys! How are you? I'm fantastic whilst writing this. Anyway let's get to the point. This week at my school two people called Richard & Robyn came in to show us some science. Richard showed us the science and Robyn was the DJ. Richard was teaching us about Chemicals and Physics. My two favourite parts were 1. When he got a small cup of sodium polyacrylate and a cup of water with yellow food colouring. The cup of water with yellow food colouring represented urine, and the small cup of sodium polyacrylate represented a nappy. When he mixed the water with yellow food colouring in it with the sodium polyacrylate, it turned in to a yellow jellowy substance. 2. My second favourite part was when he lit a lighter and threw grain in to it. If I could ask 1 question to richard it would be, "What is the coolest science experiment you've ever done?" Here's some video's from the day...
Hey guys, please leave some positive feedback and I'll try to reply. That's all from me, bye!
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