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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Monday Fun

Hey guys! How are you? I'm PHANTASMAGORICAL whilst writing this. Anyway, this week we had a fun day at school. There was a slip'n'slide, we got to go swimming, we were aloud to bring our scooter and bikes and skateboards or things like that. There were also lot's of games and it was really fun. Anyway, here's some photos from the day...
Thanks for looking at this blog post. Please leave some positive feedback in the comments, follow my blog and recommend my blog to a friend. That's all from me, Bye!👅

Friday, December 8, 2017

Athletics Zones

Hey Guys! How are you? I'm PHANTASMAGORICAL!! Anyway, on November 28th some students were taken to Three Kings School to do some athletics zones. It was really fun and I enjoyed it very much. Anyway, here are some pictures from the days...
Hey guys, thanks for looking at this blog post please follow my blog, leave some positive feedback in the comments and please recommend my blog to a friend. That's all from me, bye!👅

Thinking Hats (Gala Day)

Hey Guys! How are you? I'm PHANTASMAGORICAL!! Anyway, as you will probably know recently was our school Gala Day. It was really fun and I really enjoyed it. If you didn't know the Gala Day was raising money for the school to build a new junior playground. We raised the money by selling things we made in school. Anyway, enough chitter chatter, here's my thinking hats...
Thanks for looking at this blog post please follow my blog, leave some positive feedback in the comments and recommend my blog to a friend. That's all from me, bye!!👅

Friday, November 17, 2017

Gala Day

Hey guys! How are you? I'm Phantasmagorical whilst writing this. Anyway, next week the 25th Nov we will be having a Gala day at Waikowhai Primary School. There will be stalls, a bake sale and a sausage sizzle. My class (Manukau) will be selling 100% recycled paper in the form of cards, packs of recycled paper and christmas tags. The reason we decided to sell recycled paper is so that not as many trees need to be cut down and also it's more sustainable. As a school we've cut down on how much paper we use. Here are the steps to recycling paper...
  1. Tear up some paper into little squares about 2x2cm. 
  2. Put those squares into a bucket and add in hot water.
  3. Mix with a potato masher or egg beater. Don't use a blender because the paper destroys the blades of the blender.
  4. Mix the paper until it looks like mush like this. (It will be different colours depending on what coloured paper you used.)                                       ⇩
  5. Pour your paper mush into a large container and add another bucket of water (hot or cold.)
  6. Get two old picture frames that fit together and some net with very small holes in it. Put the net in between the two picture frames.
  7. Dip it into the water with the paper in it and scoop some paper up. Let the water drain and take off the top picture frame.
  8. Flip the net off the other picture frame onto a surface to dry.
  9. Slowly rub the net on the paper then slowly peel it off. Leave it to dry.
  10. Enjoy your finished masterpiece!
Hey Guys! Please leave some positive feedback in the comments. And try this out yourself. Please recommend my blog to a friend and check out my other posts. That's all for the moment, Bye!👅

Thursday, November 9, 2017

My NZ Journey (Full)

Hey guys! How are you? I'm Phantasmagorical whilst writing this. Anyway, last time I posted I showed you one of my slides from My NZ Journey but now I'm going to show you the whole thing. It took me about 1½ weeks to do it. I found it really fun to do because I quite like math and doing accounting. The hardest bit was probably booking the flight, although we didn't actually complete the entire booking, we just pretended. And also I wasn't quite sure what to say for how many bags I want to bring and things like that. The easiest part was probably choosing the hotels. It was really fun and I  learnt to do accounting better Anyway, as much as I'd like to talk to you about math all day I have other things to do, here it is.. .
Hey there! Thanks looking at this blog post, please leave some positive feedback in the comments, check out my other posts and recommend my blog to friends. Bye!👅

Friday, October 27, 2017

Oscar's Nz Journey

Hey guys! How are you? I'm Fantazmagorical whilst writing this. Anyway, this term so far we've been doing accounting for our maths. We had been set a challenge to get from the bottom of the South island to the top of the North island. We had to make sure our maths was right all the way so our total sum would be correct.

Here is one of the 40 slides we had to do...
In this slide we had to choose an airline to fly from Auckland to Dunedin. I chose Jetstar because it's cheaper. I found amusing because at one point I nearly ACTUALLY booked my flight!

Here is a link to the whole presentation,

Hey guys! thanks for looking at this blog post. Please leave some positive feedback in the comment section and I'll try to respond. Bye!👅

Friday, September 29, 2017

My Coding Inquiry Presentation

Hey guys! How are you? I'm fantastic whilst writing this. Anyway this term our inquiry topic was mountains. So I thought, "Hmmm, what could I do that links with mountains and how could I present it. Oohhh, I know! My topic could be volcanic eruptions and I could present it using coding." (Our topic was mountains because if you don't already know we went to Mt. Ruapehu for camp this year. And I chose to do coding because I do coding classes.) Anyway here's my presentation and a feedback sheet AND a link to scratch the coding platform I used...

Thanks for looking at this blog and my projects. Oh yeah, by the way my username on scratch is OscarC2018. Please leave some positive feedback on this blog post and if you have a scratch account please comment on my projects too. That's all from me, bye!

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Nexus Science Show By Richard & Robyn

Hey guys! How are you? I'm fantastic whilst writing this. Anyway let's get to the point. This week at my school two people called Richard & Robyn came in to show us some science. Richard showed us the science and Robyn was the DJ. Richard was teaching us about Chemicals and Physics. My two favourite parts were 1. When he got a small cup of sodium polyacrylate and a cup of water with yellow food colouring. The cup of water with yellow food colouring represented urine, and the small cup of sodium polyacrylate represented a nappy. When he mixed the water with yellow food colouring in it with the sodium polyacrylate, it turned in to a yellow jellowy substance. 2. My second favourite part was when he lit a lighter and threw grain in to it. If I could ask 1 question to richard it would be, "What is the coolest science experiment you've ever done?" Here's some video's from the day...
Hey guys, please leave some positive feedback and I'll try to reply. That's all from me, bye!

Friday, September 8, 2017

My Playground Design

Hey guys, How are you? I'm spectacular whilst writing this. The juniors at my school have had their playground removed due to safety hazards. So this week we decided to go on to Tinkercad and design a playground for them. It was challenging because I didn't really know what the juniors would want. But it was fun anyway. Here's a screencastify tour for my playground...
Hey guys! Please leave some positive feedback in the comments and I'll try to get back to you. That's all from me, bye!

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Ako Hiko Student Toolkits

Hey guys! How you doin', today I went to New Windsor Primary school to present to a bunch of kids and teach them, in my case, how to make a google slide animation. It was really fun to see sort of what it's like being a teacher. Here's my presentation plus a photo from the end and some others...
It was really cool to go and teach a bunch of other kids new things and watch them learn. As for me, I learnt some new things as well in my toolkit on Scratch. Thanks for looking at this blog post, please leave some positive feedback in the comments and I'll try to respond. That's all from me, bye!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Toothpick Tent Structure

Hi guys! How are you? I'm spectacular whilst writing this. Anyway, this week in maths we made a tent model that we would like to sleep in, made of toothpicks and modelling clay. It was very hard EXTREMELY frustrating trying to stick the toothpicks into the clay, and when you get one bit up another falls down. In this project I used a four sided pyramid and a cube. Enough chitter chatter, here it is...

Hey guys! Please leave some positive feedback and I'll try to get back to you. That's all from me, bye!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Define map (Volcanoes)

Hey guys! How are you? Whilst I'm writing this I'm spectacular! Anyway, welcome back to the first week of term, at our school we've been right back to work. This term our inquiry topic is "drum roll please" "Mountains!" Yes, mountains. We were aloud to chose any topic relevant to mountains and I chose volcanic eruptions. We had to put our topic in the middle, then in the ring around it you put things you want to know about volcanoes. In the ring around that we put things that are off topic or you don't really want to know. Here it is...
Hey guys, please leave some positive feedback in the comments and I'll try to reply. That's all from me, bye!

Friday, July 7, 2017

All About Me [Thinglink]

We made this all about me because we wanted people to learn more about us. We wrote what we like and enjoy. Here it is!... (Unfortunately the information doesn't show directly here so try clicking on my Link!.)
Hey guys! How are you? I'm PHANTASMAGORICAL! Anyway, please leave me some positive feedback and I'll try to respond. That's all from me, Bye!

My Creative Writing (Wk 6)

At Waikowhai Primary School the seniors use their chromebooks to write something using a story starter. It helps our brains be more creative with our writing. We have done creative writing for 5 weeks now, and we have really enjoyed it. Here's the one I like the most...

I have chose this creative writing because I really enjoyed making this one. I personally like the last piece of writing the best. At the end we take a screenshot and insert it to the last slide. Please leave some positive feedback. That's all from me, bye.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Smart E-mailing Comic Strip

                                 Smart E-mailing Comic Strip                         

Hey guys, how are you? I'm fantastic. This week we made a comic strip about smart e-mailing. I found this challenging because I chose to do it on my own. But enough chitter chatter, here it is... 

Hey guys, what's up? Please leave some positive feedback and I'll try to respond. That's all from me, bye.

Friday, June 23, 2017

American-New Zealand Rocket Launch

                       American-New Zealand Rocket Launch

Hey guys, how are you? I'm great! This week at school we made a infographic about a rocket launch at the Mahia peninsula. I really enjoyed creating this infographic because I enjoy the subject, and what it is about.
Here it is...

Here's the link I was talking about
Hey guys, how you do'in? Please leave some positive feedback about this infographic and I'll try to respond that's all from me, bye. (You might be seeing some more infographics because I really enjoy making them.)

Friday, May 26, 2017

Six thinking hats (New classroom addition)

                  Six thinking hats (New classroom addition)                 

Hi guys, this week (21st of  April 2017)  school (Waikowhai Primary School) got some new buildings! From making a review about the new buildings I had to really think about what happened.
Here's a review I made about it...
De bono thinking hats

Hey guys, how are you? I'm stupendous! Please leave some positive feedback down below and I'll try to get back to you. That's all from me, Bbyyyeeeeeeeee!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Character Description

                              My Character Description 

Last week in school we made a character using BuiLD YouR WiLD SeLf And then we had to do a character description on it. This is my Y-chart plan where we put our character's personality traits, actions and what they look like.

My characters name is Devaca. He is down right cool! Here is my character description.

WALT: describe a character

Screenshot 2017-05-08 at 12.05.01 PM.png
  •  Looks Devaca has two leathery scratchy bat wings and firm clutching lobster\crab claws. He also has a spider bottom half and, bull horns. He has vicious alligator teeth and a bone crushing jaw. He has a bushy lion’s tail that he uses to shoo away flies. But a normal body and head. He enjoys his long, blonde, luxurious hair. (Silky & soft too.) 
  •  Actions Devaca is a young adult of 18, and he is a janitor at the school of strange and mystical children. (AKA SOSAMC) His good friend Greagle enjoys flying about carelessly with Devaca. Devaca and Greagle play tricks on birds, Greagle hits them with his long giraffe arms and Devaca pulls out feathers from birds with his lobster\crab claws. Devaca and Greagle like to brag about their blonde hair together. 
  •  Personality Traits Devaca is mischievous and a bit of a prankster. Sometimes at his job, he hangs fake doggy poo from the ceiling using his spider web. Then he gets a quick get away by flying out the window and grappling to the outside wall so he can watch the prank unwind. He saves the best prank for the principal. Devaca will fill the principal office with a giant spider web, for the principal loathes spiders. Sometimes he’ll frame students for it by writing a note saying, “_____ was here.” Mean, eh.
Please leave some positive feedback down below, and I'll try to respond. That's all from me, Bye!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

My Exciting Journey

                                    My Exciting Journey

Hey guys, on Sunday 7th of may 2017, I went on a 25km bike ride from Waihi to Paeroa. (NZ.) I had lots of fun, and I hope you enjoy reading this post. Here it is. Ta da!

Hey guys, how are you? I'm great, please leave a comment and I'll try to respond. That's all from me. Bye guys.

Friday, May 5, 2017

My creative writing

                                       My creative writing

At Waikowhai Primary School we have this thing called creative writing. It's where we  get given a story starter and we have to carry on with the story. This is just one of them. We have many more, so vote in the comments whether or not I should post another creative writing.

Hey guys, please leave some feedback about what you thought of this post and I'll try to respond.
That's all from me. Bye guys!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Learning about Digital footprints

                                         Digital foot prints

Whenever you're online, or even on a website, you leave traces or in other words footprints. So that's why you shouldn't post anything you're not proud of. So if you post a picture of you being bit silly, you could delete it from your device but that doesn't take it off line. So be sensible online and on social media.

The picture above is about what type of people see your blog. (But the real answer really is anyone who has internet access.) 
Hey guys how you do'in. Please comment below about what you thought about this blog post. That's all from me. Bye guys.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.